Sunday 31 December 2017

Health Benefit of Banana

Banana is an edible fruit. The fruit has rich content of starch. The fruit may be in yellow, green, purple or brown in color (when ripe). Over 135 countries are cultivating Banana. Major cultivating countries are India, China, Uganda, Philippines, Ecuador, Brazil, Indonesia, Colombia, Cameroon and Ghana. The banana plant is the largest herbaceous flowering plant. Its flower is used as a vegetable. Its leaves contain a stalk and blade. The Banana leaves are used as a plate.   

Kingdom: Plantae
Order: Zingiberales
Families: Musaceae
Genus: Musa
Species: Musa acuminata

Nutritional value of Banana:
The important nutritional elements of Banana are Thiamine (B1), Riboflavin (B2), Niacin (B3), Pantothenic acid (B5), vitamin B6, Folate (B9), Choline, vitamin C, Iron, Manganese, Magnesium, Phosphorous, Potassium, Sodium and Zinc.

Health Benefits of Banana:
Banana aids weight loss, strengthen bones, aids in treating piles, prevent kidney disorders, reduces constipation, improves vision, relieves menstrual problems, treats anemia and reduces swelling, irritation and inflammation. 

(Medical Disclaimer: The information’s provided in this website are envisioned exclusively for the general information for the reader. Don’t diagnose the health problems or for treatment purposes using the articles. It is not an auxiliary for medical care provided by a licensed and qualified health professional. Please consult your health care professional for any advice on medications.)  

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