Friday 29 December 2017

Health benefits of Baobab

Baobab is a deciduous tree and it height ranges between 16 and 98 feet. Other names of the tree are bottle tree, boab, boaboa, upside-down tree, monkey bread tree and the tree of life. The tree remains leafless for several years. Its leaves are used as condiments and medicines. The fruit of the tree is tasty and nutritious. The fiber from the bark is used to make baskets, musical instrument strings, rope and waterproof hats. Baobab is mostly prevalent across Africa, Madagascar, Ceylon, Australia and India.  

Kingdom: Plantae
Order: Malvales
Families: Malvaceae
Genus: Adansonia
Species: Adansonia digitata

Nutritional value of Baobab:
The important nutritional elements of Baobab are Thiamine (B1), Riboflavin (B2), vitamin C, Calcium, Iron, Manganese, Magnesium, Phosphorous, Potassium, Sodium, Zinc, Pectin and Ash.

Health Benefits of Baobab:
Baobab lowers blood pressure, prevent anemia, increases bone strength, relieves gastrointestinal issues, boosts immunity, prevent several chronic diseases, protect immune system and reduces inflammation.
Word of Caution:
The powder appendages from this fruit have strong concentration of organic compounds, nutrients and other substances which can cause irritation to the body. Hence it should be consumed as directed. Before consuming it regularly get proper advice from the herbalist or medical professional.   

(Medical Disclaimer: The information’s provided in this website are envisioned exclusively for the general information for the reader. Don’t diagnose the health problems or for treatment purposes using the articles. It is not an auxiliary for medical care provided by a licensed and qualified health professional. Please consult your health care professional for any advice on medications.)  

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